Forage or field peas are classic nitrogen fixers that provide a quick source of nitrogen to soils while offering a valuable source of high-quality forage. The option to plow down as green manure can help minimize the use of synthetic fertilizers in future crops. Compared to other pulses, forage peas are the most water-efficient crop in terms of producing biomass. Its rapid growth is beneficial in both outcompeting weeds and combining with other forage crops to significantly boost protein and general feed values.
A very popular nitrogen-fixing legume that tolerates flooding and acidic soils better than related plants. Often used as a break crop, the level of nitrogen fixation in the root system greatly enhances nutrient availability for the next crop in line. This miracle plant also effectively reduces levels of certain pests and soil originating diseases (root lesion nematode and crown rot, for example). Vigorous early growth also helps faba to outcompete most weeds. While the beans themselves are of course desirable commodity, the stubble or crop residue also becomes a valuable source of feed to grazing livestock with excellent protein and metabolisable energy levels.